How do I plug a hole in my knitted sweater?

A hole in a knit garment can easily be closed with a needle and thread. All you need is some thread in a matching color so that the repair will be as inconspicuous as possible when you’re finished.

Tools needed:

Scissors, yarn, needle and thimble.

Difficulty: Moderate

Time Needed: 20 minutes

Ein Garn wird mit einer Schere abgeschnitten.Ein Garn wird mit einer Schere abgeschnitten.

Cut Yarn

Das Garn auf ca. eine Unterarmlänge abschneiden.



Ein Fingerhut neben einer Nadel mit eingefädeltem Garn. Ein Fingerhut neben einer Nadel mit eingefädeltem Garn.

Thread yarn

Insert one end of the thread through the eye of the needle.


Turn over top

Cut away any overlapping threads from the hole so that the loose stitches are more visible.Turn the sweater inside out. Insert the needle through the garment at your starting point at the top of the hole. Pull the thread through until only about 5 cm of thread is overlapping. Before inserting the thread on the other side of the hole, pick up any open stitches so that no other stitches come loose.

Information: Cut away any overlapping threads from the hole so that the loose stitches are more visible.

Plug hole

Continue to pick up any stitches that still exist. Repeat this procedure as long as it takes to pick up all stitches around the hole.


Plug hole

Then, in the cross direction, thread through in a weave-like manner with the threads just sewn on.

Sew thread

When the hole is closed sufficiently, you can tie off your thread. To do this, insert the needle several times through the same point in your fabric. Then cut off the thread.